Evidencia de producto: GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02. Audio

In this evidence I had that according to the subject studied in the study material of the fourth level, I had to prepare an audio in English in order to identify my attitudes, beliefs and obligations in the work and academic context.

For the elaboration of the audio I had to take into account the following aspects:

the development of a script or structure, through a document of Word.

Part 1. During the development of the audio, do not forget to make a short presentation of the basic data of the learner

(full name, ID, file, instructor and name of the activity).

Part 2. In the next part of the audio, mention a short opinion about my attitudes, beliefs and obligations

in my work and academic context, in which I mention the things that are necessary (have to / must / should +



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(Critical Thinking and Media Literacy)