● Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03: documento escrito.

 In this evidence, he had to write a document written as an email, where the application for a job is made,

including relevant data from my resume and making effective use of netiquette.

The general structure of the written document should be as follows:

Title (subject): should frame the general idea of the message and briefly describe its theme. not limit yourself

to a single word.

Greeting: compose a greeting that expresses a degree of cordiality that must be consistent and be maintained throughout

of the message.

Message Body: Include the word "application" and the position for which you are applying. The main purpose of writing the

email for the job application is that the entity that can hire you knows some of the

imperative possessions that should be part of your professional knowledge:

✔ The purpose of the job application.

✔ What job you are applying for.

✔ Skills to perform the job for which you are applying.

✔ What you have to offer the company.

✔ Basic data so that the recipient can get in touch.

Farewell: close the message in a way that reaffirms the degree of formality used in the greeting and in the

body of the letter.

Sender data: locate the conformed data, such as names, place of origin, profession.


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Evidencia de producto: GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02. Audio